TechStarter Returns to CEDIA Expo 2021
New Exhibitors Pitch Business Model to Industry Leaders for Chance to be Named One of the TechStarter Five
Alpharetta, GA (August 3, 2021) — CEDIA Expo announces TechStarter, a program that offers Launchpad (formerly Innovation Alley) exhibitors the opportunity to pitch their business models to industry executives and be in the running to be named one of the “TechStarter FIVE”. TechStarter winners will be announced September 1, 2021, at 4:00 pm on the Smart Stage at CEDIA Expo, at the Indiana Convention Center.
This “Shark Tank” style program will identify five Launchpad exhibitors from all areas of the industry who demonstrate the most promise for the future. TechStarter VIP judges will canvas the Launchpad, searching for new brands with strong and unique business approaches as well as an inspired vision for their product or service. Judges will choose an overall winner for the top prize.
Generously donating their time to kickstart new brands and provide feedback and recognition to Launchpad exhibitors are the following VIP judges:
- David Moore, EVP, Snap One
- David Weinstein, Vice President, Residential Sales, Lutron Electronics
- Roberta Lewis, Roberta Lewis & Associates, LLC.
When making their selections, the judges will determine how the product is unique or innovated, what problem does the product or service solve, and what about the product could potentially make an impact on the industry.
“I love the idea of Launchpad and the TechStarter Five Awards at CEDIA Expo. The ability to spotlight upcoming technologies and products gives show attendees, the press, and the new brand the opportunity to come together at this bustling show. It’s a win-win for all,” says Roberta Lewis, owner/founder, Roberta Lewis & Assoc., LLC.
The selected TechStarter Five will receive these benefits to propel their businesses forward:
- Acknowledgment as one of the top 5 Launchpad brands via press release and social coverage
- Signage in booth
- Media training
- Appearance on Smart Stage for the TechStarter Awards Ceremony
- Interviews with select media outlets
The top brand will be awarded a prize pack valued $5,000 during the award ceremony on September 1, 2021.
“Exhibiting in the Launchpad and being awarded the 2019 grand prize for TechStarter exceeded our expectations as a first-time exhibitor. We are thankful for the support from CEDIA Expo and their industry leaders,” says Krystian Zajac, founder, and CEO, Hero Labs.
Media interested in interviewing the TechStarter Five and the overall award winner can contact Brittany Loeffler at [email protected].
Registration and Digital Pressroom Details
Click here to register for CEDIA Expo, September 1-3, 2021 at the Indiana Convention Center.
Click here for press registration.
About CEDIA Expo
CEDIA Expo, owned by Emerald Expositions, is THE platform where residential technology integrators, designers and construction professions connect, learn, and engage. CEDIA Expo brings together thousands of home tech pros and over 300 exhibitors to the leading event in smart home technology. CEDIA Expo 2021 will take place September 1-3 at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis, IN. For more information, please visit
About Emerald
Emerald is a leader in building dynamic, market-driven business-to-business platforms that integrate live events with a broad array of industry insights, digital tools, and data-focused solutions to create uniquely rich experiences. As true partners, we at Emerald strive to build our customers’ businesses by creating opportunities that inspire, amaze, and deliver breakthrough results. With over 140 events each year, our teams are creators and connectors who are thoroughly immersed in the industries we serve and committed to supporting the communities in which we operate. For more information, please visit
# # #
Brittany Loeffler
White Good
[email protected]
Jennifer Brough
White Good
[email protected]