The newest members of the Holm family of luminaires give lighting designers more choices to create clean, cutting-edge installations with a modern twist.
The aLance-6 area luminaire combines the versatility of die-cast aluminum with minimalist aesthetics to create a one-of-a-kind luminaire that resists corrosion and complements a range of contemporary installations. The luminaire’s downward-shining LED board delivers light efficiently, and fights lumen loss by providing a direct approach to efficacy that counters the untargeted lighting patterns associated with traditional area luminaires.
The corrosion-resistant rPollux-13 is a cylindrical top-mounted, recessed luminaire for lighting designers looking to embrace architectural features such as stonework, brick, and siding. When used in the soffit of an arch, balcony, or eave, it softly grazes the vertical surface below while providing clean downward illuminating to expand the space, establish comfort in the environment, and increase safety for pedestrians.
For maximum design flexibility, the fully code-compliant rPollux-13 offers various outputs and CCTs, and can be configured for line- and low-voltage applications.
“The new luminaires give designers more tools to create elegant, distinct installations for every project.” said Chad Watters, Product Manager.
Both luminaires are easy to service, easy to install and compatible with Luxor® technology for zoning, dimming, and color capabilties.
The alance-6 and rPollux-13 will be available soon.
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About Holm
Holm offers a comprehensive and distinctive collection of line- and low-voltage luminaires for the lighting market. Our products are designed to meet required specifications while echoing the aesthetics of the project. Holm is a Hunter Industries company with more than three decades of engineering expertise. Founded in 1981, Hunter Industries is a leader in the development of residential, commercial, agricultural, and golf course irrigation products, as well as the outdoor lighting, dispensing technology, and custom manufacturing sectors. Hunter’s core mission always has and always will remain the same: to produce innovative products of the highest quality and back them with unwavering customer support.